Arnica Montana
by Gisby

I started to write this page, then I found I had done a previous review on a a different page. So I decided to combine the two, using my newer pictures.

I recently picked up a few Old West buildings from Arnica Montana.

When they arrived, I was sad: They were far nicer than I had expected, and I had not ordered anywhere near enough of them!

In style & scale, they are a good match for the Ertl Cow Town. Doors and windows are open and cleanly cast: separate doors are supplied.

Buildings come as four walls plus two roof sections. Most have a boardwalk, and many have optional parts: Sheds awnings, balconies… No floors are supplied.

They are sort-of-modular in nature. The outbuildings can be attached on the rear or side of the buildings, and awnings & balconies can be used on any. (and are available separately)

Boardwalks are supplied much longer than needed, and must be trimmed to length (or can stretch from one building to another)

The pieces are well cast and substantial, and none of mine were warped.

Arnica Montana 301K

The sign was printed on my computer, and affixed to a card, which was then glued to the front of the building.

The side stoop is made from sintra.

The optional shed is attached to the rear of the building.

Arnica Montana 301K

Yes, the sign looks dorky, but is more legible than the original

The hitching rail is made from plastic pick-up sticks, and the trough from craft sticks, based on 3/4 in steel strapping.

Arnica Montana 302K

The side shed is optional, and can instead be attached to the rear of the building (see 301K above)

For variety, I made the boardwalks on this building from sintra, and had them extend to the back.

The barrels are turned wood craft items, and the crates are blocks of wood with boards drawn on.

Arnica Montana 302K

Arnica Montana 405KArnica Montana 405K

The large doors were made from plastic strips and hung as per “How To Hang A Door”.

The wood stack is made from bamboo skewers, the boxes cut from square stripwood.

The sign was printed on my computer, and affixed to card before being attached to the building.

Arnica Montana 103K

The rear stoop is a cutoff from the front sidewalk

The awning could have been used on any of the buildings with no modification.

The supports are cast in one piece, and are quite sturdy.