My town suffers from a lack of privacy: Folk run through each others' property willy-nilly, and it's hard to hide what's going on.
In real life, people put up fences to keep each other out, to mark their territory, and to set up ambushes..
I made a single length of fence to go between a pair of buildings and was inspired to make a fuller set of fencing.
The lengths of fence are made from craft (popsicle) sticks, scored to simulate 2 narrower planks, and notched at the top.

The sections are glued together, and attached to the bases after they are dry. Unlike real fences, there are no fence posts or stringers (both sides are plain) so I don't need to wrrry about which side is which when setting things up.
The bases are cut from 1" steel strapping, which gives great strength and stability to the pieces.
The bases for the corners are 2 sections of strapping, tack-welded at right angles. (an advantage of working in a machine shop)

The full set has four corner pieces and seven straight sections. |
The set can be assembled to make a fence of various dimensions, or used in pieces to join buildings, break line-of-sight, etc.
A random length of fence in a field can be justified as the beginning of new construction, or as the remnants of an otherwise stolen-for-firewood fence.
The fencing is not weathered, as I wanted it to look like 'new wood.' In retrospect, I think it would have looked better weathered. (To tell the truth, I was getting tired of old, grey wood)
The bases are covered with sand, and have greenery made from dyed sponge and craft store plants. The wagon wheels are homecast rejects from a Prince August artillery mould.
As in the original example, you could add posters & barrels, or you could add boxes, graffiti, etc.
Broken, burned, or tumbledown sections would also add interest to a set.
 A growing town would have lumber piles a-plenty, and they make for handy cover. I use a lot of different 'craft' woods: Match sticks, floral picks, various coffee stirrers. When I'm watching TV, I cut them to length, and glue them together into lumber piles. The piles are placed upon slats to help keep the wood dry. (Watch out, rattlers love to hide under lumber piles) |