This is/was a Marx/K-Line/Lionel O Gauge model RR kit. I've had it for 20 years or so, but the original kit was released about 60 years ago.
It's a nice kit, and comes with a bunch of scenic accessories. But it has a really big floor plan for a simple cabin, so I decided to rework it to a more reasonable size. My plan was to remove the 'L' section, and use the end piece to make a plain, rectangular building.
When I first built it, I just smeared brown acrylic paint onto the building and wiped it off, using the paint like stain to bring out the detail. It was quick and easy, but I can't claim that it looked good.
I removed the paint with 90% alcohol. It worked great, and the plastic came away as clean as if it had never been painted.
I had already modified the kit into a gaming buliding with a removeable roof, and added a floor and fireplace to the interior.
I cut the building so it was only as wide as the building before the 'L ' section. All cuts were made along battens, so that the joins were easy to hide. I used the front of the 'L' as the end of the building. I did some fiffling with the back wall to space the windows better.
The gabled end was turned 90 degrees and used as the side piece of the cabin.
The roof fit fine, but because of the angled join at the 'L', the awning didn't quite work. So I replaced the corner with a chunk cut from the discarded roof section.
I didn't replace the porch, but did replace the uprights, using the original railings. I also had to cut and fit the porch boards to fit.
I sprayed the inside white, and primed the outside black. I then weathered the outside as old wood. I really like the way the stonework turned out.
It's a nice kit straight out of the box, and is easily reworked into a good gaming building. I think I've improved on it by reducing the floorplan, but you may not agree.