Warehouse Number Two
by Daniel Stevenson

Jasmine was just a little girl. She was small for her age, pretty, and no threat to anyone. Now they were going to kill her.

On the edges of the Corps lie vast warehouses containing all manner of wares. One or two are kept for special long-term storage. It is in such a warehouse that our story begins.

Anton Walker, a high ranking corporate executive stands alone in the darkness, a brief case loaded with money clutched in one hand. He is here because his young daughter Jasmine has been kidnapped, and is now being held to ransom by a vicious gang of thugs. He was to come alone and unarmed to Warehouse Number two, in order to get his daughter back alive. The whole situation is telling on his nerves and he is close to snapping.

Walker didn’t get to his elevated position in the Corporation by taking chances. Hours before, a solitary figure slipped into the warehouse and set up position. The figure in question is Captain Yates, an experienced combat zone veteran and Walker's closest friend. Yates is there as back-up in case something goes wrong with the trade.

As Walker moves along the central aisle floodlights suddenly come to life, blinding him. He cannot see the gangers lurking in the dark beyond the lamps. From their now-hidden positions they can clearly see Walker in the glare.

From his concealed position Yates can see both the gangers and Walker. The lights in question are fitted to a forklift parked in the aisle providing cover. A ganger (Crosshair) lies on a crate to the left, covering both Walker and the exit with an assault rifle. The gang leader is standing behind the forklift shouting instructions and occasional insults at Walker. The rest of the gang lurk in between the boxes near the exit.

What Yates doesn’t know is Walker is armed with a concealed pistol. As he is instructed to drop the cash, he snaps (probably by Catskull’s cruderemarks about Walker's parentage). With a scream of rage he draws the pistol and fires wildly into the darkness beyond the lights.

Table set up.

The whole table is the warehouse. An 8cm area should be marked at the centre on each of the table. Two 4cm areas should be set up each of the other table edges. These represent the warehouse exits. Masking Tape is ideal to mark the exits.

The warehouse should have a central aisle about 10cm to 12cm wide, with a forklift about two-thirds of the way up the table. Stacks of crates, boxes and drums of all sizes should be piled high in an almost random fashion, forming a labyrinth of tight corridors most of which end in dead ends. It helps if these boxes are stacked in a fashion that they can be climbed up.

Walker starts in the centre of the table in the aisle. Captain Yates sets up in a concealed position 10 to 15cm left of Walker roughly on line with the forklift.

One ganger (Crosshair) is 10cm to the left of the forklift with an assault rifle. Catskull (the gang leader) is behind the lift. At the exit the rest of the gang lurk ready for trouble.

The Game.

As Walker makes his wild shot and fails to hit anything, the game starts. Walker’s objective is to get his daughter back and keep the briefcase of cash. Walker also suffers a -1 to all hit rolls while the stacker’s lights are on and he is within a 45 degree arc of them, and not in shadow. Captain Yates' objective is both to keep Walker alive and to save Jasmine.

When Walker starts shooting both Catskull’s and Crosshair’s priority is to kill Walker and take the cash. What Walker and Yates don’t know is that an unconscious Jasmine is bound in a crate not far from the stacker (the gang player can choose which crate). When Yates opens fire it is certain the gang have been double-crossed. They will also direct fire at the crate in the hope of killing little Jasmine.

The rest of the gang will move down to assist Catskull. Their objectives are to protect their leader and kill the girl.

To add to the pandemonium, the weapons fire will attract Corporate Security. The squad will arrive at the entrance opposite the Streetcats. They will shoot first ask questions later, attacking anyone they see. They will assist any Corporation Officers or Agent, the difficulty bit identifying such corporate personnel.

If Crosshair and Catskull are dead when the Security Squad arrives, the Streetcats will flee the warehouse.

If either Walker or Yates can come with in 10cm of the Squad leader or sub- leader, they may identify themselves, at which point the squad will join them. This will cost 3AP.

Saving Walkers Daughter:

Once anyone shoots at the crate, Jasmine will come around and start to scream. She will continue to scream until she is killed. At the start of each turn roll a D6. On a roll of 5-6 on a D6 Jasmine can be heard over the weapons fire. If Walker, Yates or Security team are with in 10cm of the crate they can identify Jasmine is in it. It will cost 5AP to free Jasmine. Assuming of course she is still alive.

All shots that hit the crate must further roll a D6. On a 5-6 the shot is on target with Jasmine. This is to represent that Jasmine is lying prone in the crate and cannot be seen. In addition to this the crates structure counts as primitive armour and Jasmine gets an armour save of 6.

Victory conditions:

The Rescuers
If Walker survives the scenario - 50 points
If Jasmine survives the scenario - 50 points
If Jasmine is discovered and saved - 100 points
If the brief case is not captured and taken off table - 50 points.

The Streetcats:
If the brief case is swiped and taken off table 100 points
If Catskull survives - 50 points
If Walker is killed - 50 points
If Jasmine is killed - 100 points

The Security Squad:
For each body killed in the warehouse -15 points
Recovering the Brief case - 100 points
Saving Jasmine - 50 points.
If Walker or Yates identify themselves you join their side.

The Game.

This game is designed ideally for three players. One to play Walker and Yates, one for the gang and another for controlling (possibly as Umpire or Gamesmaster) Security. Four players can be used with one each controlling Walker and Yates.

As Walker makes his wild shot and fails to hit anything, the game starts. Walker’s objective is to get his daughter back and keep the briefcase of cash. Walker also suffers a -1 to all hit rolls while the stacker’s lights are on and he is within a 45 degree arc of them, and not in shadow. Captain Yates' objective is both to keep Walker alive and to save Jasmine.

When Walker starts shooting both Catskull’s and Crosshair’s priority is to kill Walker and take the cash. What Walker and Yates don’t know is that an unconscious Jasmine is bound in a crate not far from the stacker (the gang player can choose which crate). When Yates opens fire it is certain the gang have been double-crossed. They will also direct fire at the crate in the hope of killing little Jasmine.

The rest of the gang will move down to assist Catskull. Their objectives are to protect their leader and kill the girl.

To add to the pandemonium, the weapons fire will attract Corporate Security. The squad will arrive at the entrance opposite the Streetcats. They will shoot first ask questions later, attacking anyone they see. They will assist any Corporation Officers or Agent, the difficulty bit identifying such corporate personnel.

If Crosshair and Catskull are dead when the Security Squad arrives, the Streetcats will flee the warehouse.

If either Walker or Yates can come with in 10cm of the Squad leader or sub- leader, they may identify themselves, at which point the squad will join them. This will cost 3AP.

Saving Walkers Daughter:

Once anyone shoots at the crate, Jasmine will come around and start to scream. She will continue to scream until she is killed. At the start of each turn roll a D6. On a roll of 5-6 on a D6 Jasmine can be heard over the weapons fire. If Walker, Yates or Security team are with in 10cm of the crate they can identify Jasmine is in it. It will cost 5AP to free Jasmine. Assuming of course she is still alive.

All shots that hit the crate must further roll a D6. On a 5-6 the shot is on target with Jasmine. This is to represent that Jasmine is lying prone in the crate and cannot be seen. In addition to this the crates structure counts as primitive armour and Jasmine gets an armour save of 6.

The Protagonists

Anton Walker - 16 points

Skills: None






Senior Executive
Average None Light pistol Case of money

Captain Yates - 112 points

Skills: Quick Reflexes (+1AP), Fast shot (+1 to ROF on burst shots)






Hero Elite Combat Suit Max 40Scope (+1 to hit)


A wee girlie, green, with no skils, weapons, or equipment.
She will not engage in combat, and cannot use weapons.

For the player playing our dynamic duo the priorities must be to keep Walker alive and save Jasmine. Walker should try to take cover as soon as possible. His effectiveness with a pistol has been reduced due to the glare of the lights. He is a sitting duck in the middle of the isle. One trick is to attempt to shoot out the lights (four in total) to try and even things up. Hopefully Walkers position will be close enough to identify which crate his five year old is in.

Captain Yates needs to protect Walker and Jasmine. Yates will need to kill Crosshair and Catskull pretty quickly. If this can be achieved he should try to keep the heads of the rest of the gang down. Of course your hard work might go out of the window when the Security squad arrives, as the chances are they will kill Yates or Walker. It is important to get either Walker or Yates to identify themselves to the Security as soon as possible. To do this they must get within 10cm of either the Leader or Sub-Leader.

Victory conditions:

The Rescuers
If Walker survives the scenario - 50 points
If Jasmine survives the scenario - 50 points
If Jasmine is discovered and saved - 100 points
If the brief case is not captured and taken off table - 50 points.


Security Squad

Up to 100 Points value from either Page 32 of the Rule book or page 41 of the Battle Book.

There is some sort of gun battle going on in Number 2 warehouse. When you investigate you see what appears as utter mayhem, with muzzle flashes going off in all directions. It looks like a drug deal gone wrong.

Your job is to bring order to the warehouse by kicking butt, so take 'em all out. Of course if it turns out that Corporate agents are involved it is your duty to assist.

Victory conditions:

The Security Squad:
For each body killed in the warehouse -15 points
Recovering the Brief case - 100 points
Saving Jasmine - 50 points.
If Walker or Yates identify themselves you join their side.


Streetcats - 186 points








Veteran Albative Heavy pistol None Knife None
Veteran Albative Assault rifle None Knife Crack Shot
(+1 to hit)
Average Primative Autoshotgun None Knife None

5 more Gangers

Average Primitive Autopistol None Knife None

Catskull and Crosshair will need to kill Walker as soon as possible. Meanwhile move the gang up to support quickly. Whilst they keep Walkers friend busy, Catskull can grab the briefcase and the gang can make an exit. Don’t forget that if you cant kill Walker in the first round to hit the crate with Jasmine in. After all, they need to be taught a lesson for double crossing the Streetcats. It will be handy to have the gang close when they Security turn up. They can keep them busy while the brief case is acquired.

Victory conditions:

The Streetcats:
If the brief case is swiped and taken off table 100 points
If Catskull survives - 50 points
If Walker is killed - 50 points
If Jasmine is killed - 100 points

Tactics :

For the player playing our dynamic duo the priorities must be to keep Walker alive and save Jasmine. Walker should try to take cover as soon as possible. His effectiveness with a pistol has been reduced due to the glare of the lights. He is a sitting duck in the middle of the isle. One trick is to attempt to shoot out the lights (four in total) to try and even things up. Hopefully Walkers position will be close enough to identify which crate his five year old is in.

Captain Yates needs to protect Walker and Jasmine. Yates will need to kill Crosshair and Catskull pretty quickly. If this can be achieved he should try to keep the heads of the rest of the gang down. Of course your hard work might go out of the window when the Security squad arrives, as the chances are they will kill Yates or Walker. It is important to get either Walker or Yates to identify themselves to the Security as soon as possible. To do this they must get within 10cm of either the Leader or Sub-Leader.

Catskull and Crosshair will need to kill Walker as soon as possible. Meanwhile move the gang up to support quickly. Whilst they keep Walkers friend busy, Catskull can grab the briefcase and the gang can make an exit. Don’t forget that if you cant kill Walker in the first round to hit the crate with Jasmine in. After all, they need to be taught a lesson for double crossing the Streetcats. It will be handy to have the gang close when they Security turn up. They can keep them busy while the brief case is acquired.


For the Security Squad, all you know is there is some sort of gun battle going on in Number 2 warehouse. When you investigate you see what appears as utter mayhem. Muzzle flashes going off in all directions. It looks like a drug deal gone wrong. Your priority is to bring order to the warehouse by kicking butt, so take 'em all out. Of course if it turns out that Corporate agents are involved it is your duty to assist.

This game is designed ideally for three players: One to play Walker and Yates, one for the gang and another for controlling (possibly as Umpire or Gamesmaster) Security. Four players can be used with one each controlling Walker and Yates.

Most of us will find it hard to make up a table filled with crates for such game. A little improvisation will be needed. Matchboxes, Raisin snackpack and Smarties treat size boxes are ideal, with both coming in large packs quite cheaply. The down side will be having to eat the Raisins and Smarties! Another useful item is old printer cartridges. Audio Cassettes make nice larger crates.

Scouting around the house will uncover lots of potential boxes and crates for the game. If you can only unearth larger boxes do not worry. These can represent larger stacks of crates, where the forklift operator was actually paying attention to his work.

Good luck in your terrain hunt!



