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Get that Crate!
A scenario for 2-4 players
by Freek Mandema

They SAID there was no 'scientific' proof of 'Scale Creep' yet we saw the evidence all around us.

Manufacturers claiming 1/48 vehicles 'scaled' for 28mm figures. Model 'fuel dumps' with 1/35 jerry cans. It got worse every year, and divided the hobby.

'Historical' gamers complained bitterly about the size increases, because figures wouldn't 'mix' with their old armies, made up mostly of SAE and Hinton-Hunt miniatures.

'Fantasy' gamers denied that any 'standard scale' ever existed, and praised the increased detail on the ever-larger figures.They claimed that it would make the figures easier to paint, if they ever bothered to paint them.

In 2026, renowned Wargames Archaeologist Charles Lewis made a surprising discovery on a 'dig' in a garage in Southampton: The 'master' for the first 25mm figure. It was to be unveiled at SALUTE 2027

SALUTE 2027 - Yesterday the venue for the world's largest wargames show was wracked by explosions of indeterminate origin. The surrounding blocks had been evacuated after complaints of odd odours emanating from the building, so there were no casualties worth worrying about.

The venue ( an old warehouse) was left relatively intact, and it was hoped that the 'master' was still unharmed. Although Professor Lewis was found wandering about in a daze (as it turns out he had not arrived at the show yet) nothing is known of the 20 or so attendees at the show.


Although the mission of the 'Fantasy' gamers might seem easier than the other missions, it has to be considered that neither the 'Historical' gamers, nor the police wish to see the crate be destroyed and therefore might initially focus more on the 'Fantasy' gamers than on each other. Once either the police or the 'Historical' gamers have the crate in their possession this fragile alliance will quickly crumble.

The mission of the Conventioneers seems fairly difficult. In this case it is important to remember that the police can’t attack them at first, which can be a major advantage.

Lastly it could be that the Conventioneers have one enemy model left, which walks of the table with the crate, finishing its mission. In this case the Conventioneers lose the game, because they did not manage to kill everyone.

DISCLAIMER I do not intend to make any stance on the 'scale creep' issue with this scenario, nor do I intend to insult anyone. No one should take me too seriously… I don’t.

Happy gaming!


The scenario can be played with 2 to 4 players. If the scenario is played with three people, only use the rules for players 1,2 and 3. If the scenario is played with two people, only use the rules for players 1 and 2

Each player can buy gangs/squads for up to 250 point. Player 4 is an exception and can buy gangs/squads up to 300 points

'Historical' gamers - They assume that the 'master' is still intact asomewhere in the warehouse. An opportunity they can’t ignore…

Mission - Get the crate with the 'master' and take it home (move the crate off the table on the side they started the game)

The IP Police - They are being sent in to restore order, and to save everything that can still be saved from the ruins of the warehouse. Looters will be opposed with deadly force…

Mission - Get the crate with the 'master' and return it to their Dark Master (move the crate off the table on the side they started the game)

The IP Police may not shoot at the Conventioneers, until they have been attacked by the Conventioneers, or if a Conventioneer picks up the crate with the scarecrow.

'Fantasy' gamers - They are fed up with the whole 'Scale Creep' thing. If they can destroy the proof, the 'Historical' gamers can be shouted down.

Mission - Destroy the crate containing the 'master' in any way.

Conventioneers - They survived, but now the 'bring-and-buy' has been destroyed, and the crisps & beer are finished. They feel abandoned by the authorities and threatened by strangers. In other words, they are pissed! They wandered off in search of beer, but are returning...

Mission: - Defend the venue, i.e. everyone except themselves has to die. The stubborn survivors win the game when they are the last to survive.

    The Conventioneers
  • may not be attacked by the police until the stubborn survivors have attacked the police, or if a stubborn survivor picks up the crate.
  • can only be equipped with pistols and close-combat weapons (they are there for a civilized debate, after all....) and are not allowed to wear any armour other than ablative/primitive armour.
  • start with 300 points, in stead of 250 points
  • choose their table edge, before the other table edges are distributed by rolling a die.


The Crate - The crate is ridiculously big so the manufacturer could overcharge for shipping. (I mean, 75% for airmail? Get real.) Although this protected the 'master' it also makes the crate almost impossible to carry.

  1. Once in base contact with the crate it can be picked up or dropped by spending 1 action point .
  2. A crate carrier treats all terrain as difficult terrain.
  3. To destroy the 'master'/crate, one has to roll higher than its “destroyed score” of 15, or the crate has to be dropped from a height of at least 15 cm.
  4. As long as the crate is on the ground (i.e. not being carried) it counts as being 'dropped down' for targeting purposes.
  5. A carried crate cannot be targeted specifically with any attack. The carrier is protecting the priceless cargo with his life!
  6. A carrier cannot shoot or initiate close combat; but can still fight back if attacked in close combat.
  7. If the carrier routs or dies, he drops the crate at the spot this happened. A panicked carrier can still carry the crate.

The hand truck/trolley - The warehouse personnel were subject to strict regulations on physical labour. With a bit of luck you might find a hand truck lying around somewhere. This would make moving the crate a lot easier!

  1. Once in base contact with the hand truck, it can be picked up by spending 1 action point . The hand truck can be put down by spending one action point.
  2. The hand truck is made of the finest erzatz steel. It can not be destroyed
  3. An individual carrying crate on the hand truck does not suffer from 2 or 6 (above)..
  4. An individual carrying crate on the hand truck needs at least one hand to manoeuvre it. Therefore, he has a -1 to hit penalty for all shooting and can only use one weapon in hand to hand combat.


The scenario is played on a 120cm x 120cm (48 in x 48 in) table. A token is needed to represent the crate and a token is needed to represent the hand truck. A building resembling a warehouse, with multiple entrances is placed in the middle of the table.

The crate is placed in the building. Make sure it can not be seen from outside the building (otherwise the game could be very short, with the 'Fantady' gamers destroying the crate with one aimed shot from a recoilless rifle). The hand truck is placed in, or near the building.

For the rest the terrain is set up in a mutually agreeable manner. Make sure there is a lot of terrain to provide cover (really, really a lot). Many players are playing at the same time, so you do not want one player being pinned down at his table edge, because he can not go anywhere due to a lack of cover. There is no fun in a game where no one even reaches the crate.

For more fun, have more than one crate - Let them spend action points checking waybill numbers: They don't want to wind up with a case of D2's!


The Conventioneers pick a table edge first by deploying their squad(s)/gang(s), after this the remaining players roll a die, with the highest rolling player picking a table edge first, by deploying its troops, followed by the next highest, etc.

Each player has a 10 cm ( 4 in) deployment zone and can not place its troop in the overlapping parts of the deployment zones (Fig 1.).



The hand truck/trolley - The warehouse personnel were subject to strict regulations on physical labour. With a bit of luck you might find a hand truck lying around somewhere. This would make moving the crate a lot easier!

  1. Once in base contact with the hand truck, it can be picked up by spending 1 action point . The hand truck can be put down by spending one action point.
  2. The hand truck is made of the finest erzatz steel. It can not be destroyed
  3. An individual carrying crate on the hand truck does not suffer from 2 or 6 (above)..
  4. An individual carrying crate on the hand truck needs at least one hand to manoeuvre it. Therefore, he has a -1 to hit penalty for all shooting and can only use one weapon in hand to hand combat.


The scenario is played on a 120cm x 120cm (48 in x 48 in) table. A token is needed to represent the crate and a token is needed to represent the hand truck. A building resembling a warehouse, with multiple entrances is placed in the middle of the table.

The crate is placed in the building. Make sure it can not be seen from outside the building (otherwise the game could be very short, with the 'Fantady' gamers destroying the crate with one aimed shot from a recoilless rifle). The hand truck is placed in, or near the building.

For the rest the terrain is set up in a mutually agreeable manner. Make sure there is a lot of terrain to provide cover (really, really a lot). Many players are playing at the same time, so you do not want one player being pinned down at his table edge, because he can not go anywhere due to a lack of cover. There is no fun in a game where no one even reaches the crate.

For more fun, have more than one crate - Let them spend action points checking waybill numbers: They don't want to wind up with a case of D2's!


The Conventioneers pick a table edge first by deploying their squad(s)/gang(s), after this the remaining players roll a die, with the highest rolling player picking a table edge first, by deploying its troops, followed by the next highest, etc.

Each player has a 10 cm ( 4 in) deployment zone and can not place its troop in the overlapping parts of the deployment zones (Fig 1.).



Although the mission of the 'Fantasy' gamers might seem easier than the other missions, it has to be considered that neither the 'Historical' gamers, nor the police wish to see the crate be destroyed and therefore might initially focus more on the 'Fantasy' gamers than on each other. Once either the police or the 'Historical' gamers have the crate in their possession this fragile alliance will quickly crumble.

The mission of the Conventioneers seems fairly difficult. In this case it is important to remember that the police can’t attack them at first, which can be a major advantage.

Lastly it could be that the Conventioneers have one enemy model left, which walks of the table with the crate, finishing its mission. In this case the Conventioneers lose the game, because they did not manage to kill everyone.

DISCLAIMER I do not intend to make any stance on the 'scale creep' issue with this scenario, nor do I intend to insult anyone. No one should take me too seriously… I don’t. Happy gaming!

crateUsing a simple combi-tool (e.g. a dremel®) you can very easily make wooden crates to use in your games. Just saw of a square block of wood from a longer piece.

Using the combi-tool first smooth all the edges a bit and than carve a square out of the middle of each of the six sides.

Paint it up and if you like put some “fragile” and “do not stack” sort of remarks on it.



