Daron earned £25
in eM-4 credit


O.R.C.: Organically Re-engineered Commandos
by Daron Patton

Merktek Corporation science types theorized mixing Tasmanian devil and cactus genes in specially selected human subjects would make a low-maintenance, unnaturally nasty, fighting machine. That much they got right.

What they didn't get right was the security countermeasures necessary to contain their new creations.

ORCs: (Organically Re-engineered Commandos) turned out to be a great deal smarter than anyone had projected. ORCs are hatched fully grown and ticked off at the world. They have an inborn understanding of military command structure and their place in it.

ORCs escaped the laboratory and are now out in the Combat Zone. Regional Space Ranger units have taken an exceptionally aggressive stance in hunting these renegade experiments-gone-wrong. Can your gang stop them?

The ORC models I used are from the plastic fantasy line and they are really affordable. Out of $20 worth of minis, I had enough to make a couple full-strength units for playing fantasy and still had a couple of squads for CZ.

I made specific use of Space Rangers to make my power armor hero ORC (Sergeant Major Swortz) and the heavy weapons ORCs. The power armor ORC was a Space Ranger officer/NCO with a fantasy orc head.

Because the fantasy orc head and shoulders are pretty much the same piece, I had to use putty to hide the patch job. I decided to go with a beard and long hair like a special forces guy who'd gone native.

I used putty on the other ORCs to make them more distinctive. The twin-barrel ORC has missile launcher bits from my scrap box, and an eyepatch. Guns, berets, peaked hats and my Beatles style ORC's orange hair were also putty.

The plasma cannon ORC borrowed his gun from a Space Ranger sprue. The Space Rangers sprues also cut up nicely to make pistol barrels.


The Forces

Squad 1: ORC A-Team
Name Rank Weapon
Green Barry Leader Auto pistol & sword
Google Subleader Auto pistol & sword
Harry Trooper Auto pistol & sword

Squad 2: ORC B-Team
Name Rank Weapon
Blue Barry Leader Auto pistol & sword
Capps Subleader Auto pistol & sword
Plasma Pete Trooper Recoiless rifle

ORCs are veteran quality, have flak jackets and weapons as noted above. Sergeant Major Swortz is a hero (elite), has a power armored combat suit, an auto pistol and a sword. Both ORC squads have comm units.

Security guards are organized into two trooper squads and equipped as appropriate points-wise to counter the ORC squads (do not count Sergeant Major Swortz)


The ORC leader, Sergeant Major Swortz, has been captured. Set up terrain just as if you were playing the Robot Robbery scenario pp. 27-28 of Combat Zone rulebook. The captured ORC is in the lab area where the Enforcer robot would normally be.


ORC rescue team is set up in the Gang deployment zone. The Security guards set up in Trooper Deployment Zone A.

Objective: The Lads must get their cunning leader away from his captors. The guards must prevent their prize specimen from escaping.

Special Rules: It takes 1 AP for a model in contact with the ORC leader to release the captive. The released ORC leader may not act until the next turn.

The Sergeant Major: The ORC leader has been stored with his weaponry and equipment in order to make further study or future deployment more convenient. Unfortunately for the ORCs, the sedatives have reduced their leader to only 5 AP for the rest of this scenario. He will undoubtedly recover for future battles---if the rescue is a success.

Victory Conditions:

To Win the ORC leader (Sergeant Major) must escape the facility via either exit within 10 turns.

To Win the Security forces must prevent the ORC leader's escape for10 turns.

Squad 2: ORC B-Team
Name Rank Weapon
Blue Barry Leader Auto pistol & sword
Capps Subleader Auto pistol & sword
Plasma Pete Trooper Recoiless rifle

ORCs are veteran quality, have flak jackets and weapons as noted above. Sergeant Major Swortz is a hero (elite), has a power armored combat suit, an auto pistol and a sword. Both ORC squads have comm units.

Security guards are organized into two trooper squads and equipped as appropriate points-wise to counter the ORC squads (do not count Sergeant Major Swortz)


The ORC leader, Sergeant Major Swortz, has been captured. Set up terrain just as if you were playing the Robot Robbery scenario pp. 27-28 of Combat Zone rulebook. The captured ORC is in the lab area where the Enforcer robot would normally be.


ORC rescue team is set up in the Gang deployment zone. The Security guards set up in Trooper Deployment Zone A.

Objective: The Lads must get their cunning leader away from his captors. The guards must prevent their prize specimen from escaping.

Special Rules: It takes 1 AP for a model in contact with the ORC leader to release the captive. The released ORC leader may not act until the next turn.

The Sergeant Major: The ORC leader has been stored with his weaponry and equipment in order to make further study or future deployment more convenient. Unfortunately for the ORCs, the sedatives have reduced their leader to only 5 AP for the rest of this scenario. He will undoubtedly recover for future battles---if the rescue is a success.

Victory Conditions:

To Win the ORC leader (Sergeant Major) must escape the facility via either exit within 10 turns.

To Win the Security forces must prevent the ORC leader's escape for10 turns.



