With the loss of life from the Meta Plague that had swept across the globe many military and law enforcement units were strengthened with replicants, generously provided by R.I.P. at low prices.
As a result, when the Replicants rose in rebellion, military installations, police stations and government buildings were destroyed or taken by replicants already in place.
Because Albert Prentice was an ARL member the Prentice Complex in Londonderry did not have any replicants within its boundaries. As one of the few safe havens in the city, refugeessought refuge within its walls.
As the day drew on the numbers of replicants converging on the complex increased and access from outside became more difficult. Prentice, a humanitarian, was forced to send some of his own corporation troops out to aid the refugees as they fled to the complex.
Table Set up
The table should be set up as urban terrain with wire mesh fence stretching across one end of the table 10 cm from the edge. This represents the outer edge of the Prentice Complex. There should be an entrance 20 cm wide representing the gate into the complex. Refugees are to attempt to enter the complex through this gate while corporate troops will exit the complex through this gate. Replicants will not enter through the gate in this scenario.
Terrain should be set up on such a way that there are at least two clear roads leading to the Prentice Complex with access to the gate. Three roads are better if the playing surface and terrain allows for this.
The Refugee groups
The refugees forces start 10 cm in from their board edge.
Objective: To enter the Prentice Complex alive.
This group has fled the local barracks which was destroyed during the night when the ammunition and arms depot was blown up by replicants. Carrying whatever arms they could salvage, they are ill-equipped to face Replicants.
5 men,
average quality
Comm. Units, Flak jackets, 2 frag grenades each
2 with machine pistols
1 with flamethrower
2 with autoshotguns
Street Gang
The streets have become a dangerous place and the gang has decided to leave their usual haunts which were being over-run by replicants.
Gang Leader, Veteran,
assault rifle, primitive armour, molotov cocktail
7 gangers, average quality, Primitive armour
2 with assault rifles
2 with autopistols
2 with autoshotguns
1 withautocannon
1 Molotov cocktail for each gang member including the leader.
Biker gang
Leader, Veteran
autoshotgun and primitive armour, 2 frag grenades
5 bikers, average quality
3 with machine pistols
1 with assault rifle
1 with machine gun
2 frag grenades each.
Prentice’s Corporate Troops
Objective: To assist the fleeing refugees without suffering too many losses themselves.
Tac Squad 1: 5 men, average quality
Comm units, Combat Suits
2 Max 40 assault rifles
2 autopistols
1 missile launcher with 3 HE missiles
Tac Squad 2: 5 men, average quality
Comm units, Combat Suits, one frag grenade each
2 with Max 40 assault rifles
2 with autopistols
1 with machine gun
The corporate forces are diced for at the start of each turn and require the following rolls on a D6 to enter in that turn.
- Start of turn one: die roll of 6
- Start of turn two: Die roll of 5,6
- Start of turn three: Die roll of 4, 5, 6
- Start of turn four: Automatically arrive
The Replicants
The replicant player may start with 6 replicants 10 cm in from the two edges allotted to him. (Marked xxxxx) He may split them between these edges as he sees fit.
The remaining four replicants will enter alone the edge allotted to the refugees at the start of turn two.
Objectives: To reduce the number of humans available to defend the Prentice Complex.
- 6 Mitchell Steiner 5000 Class Replicants with assault rifles
- 2 Mitchell Steiner 5000 Class Replicants with autocannons
- 2 Mitchell Steiner 5000 Class replicants with assault cannons
Special Rules
It may be easier for the replicant player to divide his forces into three or four groups at the start of the game and activate them in these groups. Otherwise they should continue to be treated as individual models.
No-one may shoot into or out of the Prentice Complex in this scenario. All figures who enter the Prentice Complex are considered as safe.
The corporate and refugee players should keep a note of which refugee figures manage to enter the complex and which corporate figures are lost. The refugees rescued will be used to assist on the defence of the complex in a later scenario while the corporate figures lost will not be present for that scenario.
If this is played as a single scenario then the victory conditions are as follows:
- If more than half of the refugees enter the Prentice complex then the human forces win.
- If less than half of the refugees enter the Prentice Complex then the replicants win.