I'm working on some Space Rangers by EM4 Miniatures. I have an international move a coming soon, and I want to finish them before I go. Who can say when I'll be able to paint again?
Here are some that I did earlier.
They are stock, out of the box, but they still paint up a treat.
I chose an overall red scheme, with black shading and detailing, and yellow eyes for high contrast..
Weapons were gunmetal with silver detailing.
The advantage of inexpensive plastics ia that conversions are easy and economical, so of course I wanted to make a few unique miniatures, so I started to dig around in my parts box.
Using some spare heads, a powered fist, and a chainsword, I made a couple of NCOs who would stand out, no matter how large the crowd.
The conversions were easy enough: The only tricky bit was when I was removing the heads, ensuring that I did not damage the shoulder pads.
The plastic is easy and pleasant to work with, and takes glue well.
I added detail to the bases for a SF 'feel' and I'm pleased with the results.