STATS FOR em4miniatures ALIENS
in Combat Zone

Group 3 ­ Aliens

Aliens are another type of Group 3 individuals. They do NOT have the same skills/bonuses as Heroes but do share some of the same characteristics.

Aliens always operate in single figure groups.

Armour is included as part of the figure's toughness, because the armour is an integral parts of the alien such as it's carapace or a bio-armour.

Some Aliens have exceptional strength, which enables to tear down doors with ease (see rules below).

Not all aliens are able to breathe an earth type atmosphere and must wear a suitable breathing apparatus at all times.

Some Aliens cannot use weapons but their ability in hand-to-hand is awesome.

Smash Doors: Aliens with this ability are exceptionally strong. All doors in use in a game need to be rated as normal, strong or impregnable. Action point cost to Smash Door is 3 for a normal door and 6 for a strong door. Impregnable doors can't be smashed (that's why they're impregnable!)

Attacks Per Round: Some Aliens cannot use weapons but their ability in hand-to-hand is awesome. Check the Close Combat line of the Stats chart. This gives the number of attacks per round for each Alien. Multiple attacks are carried out at full strength (unlike normal figures using two weapons where the second weapon bonus is reduced). Cost of close combat is still only 1 Action Point per round even if more than one attack is made. Attacks can be concentrated on one enemy or split amongst several enemies.

Attack Modifiers: Even if an Alien doesn't have any weapons, it may have natural advantages like claws, teeth or exceptional strength. This is reflected in the Attack Modifiers.

Alien 1 Codename: "Hunter"
Points: 70 + Equipment + Skills (5pts each)
Type: Reptilian Biped Sentient Carnivore
Threat Level: High Intelligence: Average
Background: This alien is an established spacefaring race with a highly developed technology. The culture revolves around feuding clans and Bloodhunts. The Bloodhunt is a ritualised form of combat were an individual "Hunter" or a small group of "Hunters" will track and kill the dominant predator. Once slain the creature is eaten and trophies taken. "Hunters" in urban areas will often track dangerous gangs to complete their Bloodhunts (See Gang War in BB)
Type: Quality Action Points Rerolls Attack Dice Initiative Toughness
Alien Elite 8 5 3D8 1D8 12
Weapons Skills Close Combat
Power Lance
First Aid Kit
1D4 Physical/Combat Skills (BB)
Non Air-Breather
Removes reactions as a Hero
Normal attack per round
Non Air-Breathing Modifier: "Hunters" cannot breath earth's atmosphere. Any wound score on these Aliens which is one below their Toughness, may destroy their breathing equipment; roll an additional D6 - 1-3 equipment destroyed, target is removed from play. 4-6 no effect.

Alien 2 Codename: "Cockroach"
Points: 70
Type: Stage 3 - Insectoid Quadruped Carnivore
Threat Level: Average Intelligence: Animal
Background: This is the stage 3 or Adult "Cockroach". The "Cockroach" has 3 distinct lifecycles: Insect, Metadult and Adult. Once suitable living conditions have been found the Stage 2 Metadult transforms into the Stage 3 Adult form. It is only in the stage 3 are this creature dangerous. It is not precisely known what conditions are needed for transformation but food (dead animal material); damp and heat are important factors. "Cockroaches" are extremely difficult to kill and are completely immune to poisons and radiation.
Type: Quality Action Points Rerolls Attack Dice Initiative Toughness
Alien Veteran 9 N/A 4D8* 1D8+1 11
Weapons Skills Close Combat
Teeth & Claws (Wound dice 3D6) Smash Doors
Cannot:- Drop Down, Pick Up Object Open Door
1D4 Physical/Combat Skills (BB)
Not subject to reactions
3 attacks per round
*Includes bonuses for Teeth &Claws

Alien 3 Codename: "Ghost"
Points: 100 + Skills (5pts each)
Unknown Xeno-Biped Sentient
Threat Level: High Intelligence: High
Background: This the most advanced alien that humanity has ever encounters its biotechnology leaves even Bionetica scientists in complete disbelief. It is extremely difficult to catch because of its high intelligence and ability to 'phase' time. Only extremely wounded specimens have been caught and then they must be stored under 'Absolute Zero' Status or they escape. Most specimens commit a form of explosive suicide rather then be caught.
Type: Quality Action Points Rerolls Attack Dice Initiative Toughness
Alien Elite 8 5 3D8 1D8 11
Weapons Skills Close Combat
(Treat as machine pistol, auto shotgun & sword)
1D4 Battle Skills (BB)
Removes Reactions as a Hero
Smash Doors
Explosive suicide
2 attacks per round
Phasing: Once turn this alien is able to 'phase' or bend time this enables them to seemly move impossible distances or dodge bullets. At the end or beginning of a turn the alien may move up to 20cm or during the turn the alien may ignore all the shooting carried out by one opponent. This must be declared before the shooting takes place. The shooter will still lose those AP and ammunition. The ability to 'phase' does not enable "Ghost " to move through objects such as walls.

Explosive Suicide: At the beginning of a turn, a "Ghost" may commit suicide by rolling 2 or more on a D6. Centre a fragmentation grenade template over the "Ghost". Work out the effects as normal. Remove the "Ghost" from play.

"Ghosts" will only commit explosive suicide in the most desperate of circumstances. Normally determined by specific conditions of a scenario.

Alien 4 Codename: "Grey"
Points: 15 + Equipment
Type: Reptilian Biped Sentient
Threat Level: Low Intelligence: Average
Background: Little is known about this race except their interest in experimentation on other races. Small groups of these aliens will abduct humans conduct bizarre experiments and then release them. Corporate Xeno-analysts are trying to find out why. "Greys" have been known to give their victims implants, which enable them to completely control their people like mindless puppets.
Type: Quality Action Points Rerolls Attack Dice Initiative Toughness*
Alien Veteran 6 1 2D8 1D8-1 10
Weapons Skills Close Combat
Blast Gun Non-Air Breathing Modifier Normal attack per round
Name: RoF Dam Point Short Long Points
Blast Gun 2 3D8 3 20 50 10
Non Air-Breathing Modifier: "Greys" cannot breath earth's atmosphere. Any wound score on these Aliens which is one below their Toughness, may destroy their breathing equipment; roll an additional D6 - 1-3 equipment destroyed, target is removed from play. 4-6 no effect

Alien 5 Codename: "Feeder"
Points: 70
Type: Reptilian Biped Carnivore
Threat Level: Average Intelligence: Low
Background: This creature lives only to kill. It attacks every thing on sight. A favourite opponent of " Hunters".
Type: Quality Action Points Rerolls Attack Dice Initiative Toughness
Alien Elite 9 3 4D8 1D8 12
Weapons Skills Close Combat
Teeth & Claws
(Wound Dice 3D8)
Smash Doors
Cannot: Drop Down, Pick Up Object, Open Door
Not subject to reactions
3 attacks per round



